Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Neighbor's bounty

My neighbor grows beautiful roses.  Somehow, when she and her husband first bought their townhouse, she got permission to plant several rose bushes right outside of her door.  And every year, their bloom all summer long with gorgeous flowers.  So, this morning, I ran over and took a quick photo of one of them.  

After getting home last night, I went right to bed, totally exhausted and in pain.  But I slept well, which is unusual.  I woke up very stiff and sore, but it has eased up through the day.  

Although I have been hurting most of the day, I feel so optimistic and hopeful!  My trip was a great success.  Finally, someone actually listened and understood! And my shoulder might actually get fixed!  Yeah!  

OK - enough.  I don't want to bore you all too much.  

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