
At 6:30am it was 9° and feeling colder. My hands, even in gloves, got so cold I found It difficult to change gears on my bike. I fear my days of riding out into the dawn are coming to an end just as my gym re- opens- perfect timing I suppose. However by midday the sun had warmed everything up and I could sit out on the patio to have my lunch and have the back door open all afternoon.

I have laid claim to this picture by daughter#4, painted when she was 17. It was bought by the parents of one of her school friends 25 years ago who are now downsizing with no room for it any longer. It is big- 142cm x 110 but I have a place for it and someone to put it up for me once they have the correct fixings.
Needless to say the artist , having the hindsight and benefit of 4 years at Art College later, would rather it was scrapped, but I treasure all the work that the family did all those years ago before their children took over their lives;so it stays with me.

I have had a rather more sociable Sunday than usual- coffee this morning with 2 friends, a conversation over the railings with daughter#2 and two grandsons this afternoon and now looking forward to a Zoom call with Wildwood and Oilman on the other side of The Pond after tea.. I’ll not sleep tonight after all that excitement!

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