Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Walking the dog

Yesterday's wallpaper decision-making began to unravel in the clear light of day, with Carl unsure about the choice and the cost. Damage control followed breakfast. As part of the subsequent unwinding after deep discussions we agreed to go for a walk and asked Carl's mum's dog Rupert to join us. It was a beautiful morning, which showed off Killiney Bay at its finest, made the walk enjoyable and helped the calming-down process.

Back in the house afterward lunch in the sun on the terrace, I liked the way the sun was playing with a cushion on one of the window seats and pointed the camera at it (extra). While on our walk Carl phoned one of the wallpaper shops to arrange to return the sample book and to book a consultation session with one of the staff who'd impressed us previously. Lo and behold, he approved of yesterday's selection, Carl took his word for it, placed the order and paid a deposit. The wallpaper should be available before the end of the week, in plenty of time for the builder's decorator guy.

Carl went on to return the other sample books to the other shops and I headed back across the city to home base.

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