Seeing Double

I lifted the blinds early this morning and thought I saw 2 moons. I went back to bed and the next time I looked there was only the street light. I put it down to a momentary hallucination, but later, there they were again, definitely two bright lights and one was not a street light. And so before it could do another disappearing act behind the clouds , I shot out onto the patio in what might euphemistically be called scant sleeping apparel to document the evidence. Thankfully it was dark enough and quiet enough that my risqué attire would have gone unnoticed.

Well, my case is packed and I’m ready for the off on my first sojourn out of Edinburgh for a year. I have covered every eventuality of the weather - there is even a bathing costume at the foot of the case, although with my extra Covid pounds, I’m not sure I can still get into it- that’s a great excuse!

I have put in an extra of scaffolding which gives me the hebbie jeebies just looking at it. A head for heights is an obvious requirement for the workers.

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