When A Fish Flew And Forrest Walked At Panshanger

Every year at the beginning of September an osprey breaks its journey from Scotland, or somewhere in the north, at Panshanger Park on the way to Africa. I had heard that it had been seen so I packed some lunch, put on my lucky birds-in-flight top and arrived at Osprey Lake at about 12:30. Quite a few birders/photographers, many of whom I'd met here last year, were scanning the sky. 

I'd just finished eating when Dave shouted that he had spotted the big bird. We watched it circle and then stoop. It rose from the water carrying a huge trout. What a wonderful sight!

On the way back to the car we met two women and a little boy called Forrest. Forrest was very taken with Ollie and I was very taken with his aunt's blonde plaits. (Extras) We carried on towards the carpark and Forrest broke away and ran after us. His mother said that he wanted to come home with Ollie and me. :)

When we got to the Dragonfly Trail Ollie started going that way. I knew why, she had remembered The Dog Dip. Off we went. She absolutely loved it and was watched by a kingfisher as she paddled.

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