Heart of Sunflower

Mixed cloud and sunshine today with the sun coming out more this afternoon. Really very pleasant in the sunshine.

I spent the morning in a rather intensive workshop in Zoom, the presentation being given by Glenys Garnett, a Yorkshire based photographer, who does amazing creative things with her Fujifilm camera. She covered use of vintage lenses, using bokeh, icm and multiple exposure which she uses to create her unique Impressionist style.

After a light brunch of scrambled egg, Baz and I dropped Len off at tennis then motoring off to Cattows Farm which we found this week thanks to Google Maps voice directions. We were so near last Saturday.

There were still sunflowers growing in the field. It's a pick your own scenario. I selected three having released Baz from his lead. He did his own thing amidst the sunflower rows but came running back when walkers brought their own yapping dogs down the field.

Pumpkins are ripening in a neighbouring field and there are a few rare breed sheep for the kids to see.  Large inflatables too for fun. Dogs not allowed in restaurant sadly, but they're building a large extension so maybe there will be an area under cover for dogs.

Had to leave in short order for an inspiring talk by Tony Worobiec on photographing the coast.

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