Can I be your friend?

Another trip the the park with my mother-in-law's poodle. Sandly he missed the vital dog socialisation stage and wants to play with other dogs but doesn't quite know how to. Over the summer we've been taking him to the park everyday and introducing him to other dogs of all shapes and sizes (beagles are popular here). He is gradually getting better, though he can get a bit intimidated if there are more than two dogs or they are a bit too boisterous.

Apparently small dogs need to learn to play properly, if you scoop them up, as my mother-in-law was keen to do, it can contribute to small dog syndrome as they get older. We never pick him up, but we allow him to stand between us, and if the other dogs are too boisterous we shoo them away. So far no dog has been nasty with him, but he's barked and snipped at a few so far...

Nearly catching up on the back blipping...

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