Further my skills

By H0tamer

Brush ear pig

Arne was painting his regular Mona Lisa street painting, hoping to earn some money. What then happened was written down in a little poem:
du malst ein bild / so gar nicht auf die schnelle
sondern mit geduld und mühe: / eine großbaustelle

kommt ein pinselohrschwein / und malt ganz gemein
mitten in dein bild mit rein / es malt ganz natürlich

mit klecks und mit spratz und mit bamm / mit erde mit dreck und viel schlamm
mein gott! denkst du / was das pinselohrschwein da tut

das erfüllt mich mit wut! / doch dann denkst du - hey!
das passt /
wirklich gut!
For those among the readers who don't understand German:
you paint a picture / so not at all quickly
but with patience and effort: / a major construction site

comes a brush ear pig / and paints very mean
in the middle of your picture / it paints naturally

with blob and with spratz and with bam / with earth with dirt and a lot of mud
my God! do you think / what the brush ear pig is doing

that fills me with anger! / but then you think - hey!
that fits / really good!

Thanks to Apollofly for hosting September's Silly Saturday challenge in memory of Admirer.
By the way, the poem was written by Arne Rautenberg. The painting is © Nadia Budde.
The German Pinselohrschwein is called red river hog in English, but the painting looks more like a brush ear pig, the literal translation.
A bit silly but quite often jokes in German don't work in English.

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