Life In Wales

By KarenC


We went for a walk across the fields this morning and we came across a guy with a young Gyrfalcon called Tink.  I asked if I could take some photos and he said that she was going to fly, but he was happy for us to watch.  She's a young bird and he's training her to hunt, but she's not quite got the hang of it, and actually landed not far from us, which apparently was because she associated us with food!  It was great to watch her, and I offered to send him the photos, which I did tonight and he's replied to say that if I would like to meet up with him and one of his other falcons, to let him know.

We then carried on our walk into Telscombe village and back through the fields.  When we got back to the top of the stud farm, we noticed one of the horses was lay down on it's side and it was like that for some time and didn't move when someone went over to it.  It didn't look quite right, so I got the phone number for the stud farm from Google, and called them to let them know.  They said that they'd go and check it out, fingers crossed all was ok.

This afternoon Alan watched the F1 and I started the packing and cooked a Sunday roast.  I'm not sure where the time's gone, but it's now 11.30pm and it's time for bed so I'll say good night x

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