Derelict Sunday

Stopped off after water aerobics to capture this beautiful old building.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 644 new cases, 3 fatalities and 301 recoveries today.
55,415 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.

Bahrain has  4,270  active cases,  90 are receiving treatment,  32  critical  cases.   199 deaths recorded.   50,946 recoveries.  Total tests done is  1,172,808

Thanks to Ashura and no social distancing and having family gatherings these past two weeks,  all the hard work everyone has done, has been undone and our numbers have almost doubled in just a week.  When is this going to end.
Bahrain witnessed a 75 per cent rise in new Covid-19 cases yesterday compared with that on Wednesday, while an average of 650 cases were recorded daily over the last three days.

India added more than 90,000 cases of the novel coronavirus.  India has passed Brazil  as the second most affected country by total infections (4,2 million) and will be behind only the United States, which has 6.4 million cases and 193,000 deaths

Melbourne: Australia’s coronavirus hot spot state of Victoria on Sunday extended a hard lockdown in its capital Melbourne by two weeks to the end of September as infection rates have declined more slowly than hoped.

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