Read or to read

The sleep pattern is becoming erratic again - awake at 1.45 so after an hour, read a couple of the Raymond Calver short stories. Oh yes, a great writer but bleak. Still no sleep at 4am so got my iPad and headphones to listen to a book programme. That didn’t do the trick so it was Mozart. I woke at 5 when the music stopped, and fell asleep till 8 am

Not long after #2 daughter phoned, distressed. She heard at 10.30 last night that a girl in James’s class had tested positive for Covid so everyone in the class had to isolate at home for 2 weeks. They were only back at school for 3 days! Poor James, who last year in reception, had behavioural issues, but had settled and was happy to be back, now gets his routine upset again. His brother can go to school. He is not friendly with the girl so is unlikely to have been near her and the girl has no symptoms but had to get a test as her parents have Covid. Typically they are into conspiracy theory and won’t wear masks. We were with the family on Saturday but we were all outside. Ella and Nathaniel go back tomorrow.

Gill, quite a new friend, arrived this am with the Sansom book. We always have lots to chat about - shared interests are hill-walking, literature and good food.

I decided I ought to book an eye test as my reading eye doesn’t seem to be doing as well. Apparently we can only get an eye test on NHS every 2 years now and the list for the next 3 months is full - but if I’ll pay £80 I can see my usual man on Thursday. I felt so upset and emotional about this. So many people can’t pay this and could be at risk by waiting. Everything in this country now is so unfair and getting worse.

Then I noticed my gym had started deducting membership again, despite not being open. It used to be a council gym but is now run by a private company. After 15 minutes hanging on the phone I spoke to a real person. They had sent emails out in July to tell members we had to fill in a form to freeze the membership. It was quickly established they had not sent the mail to the correct address. Now that’s all sorted out - they wanted me to stay a member and go to a gym a 30 mile round trip away - but I declined. I’m going to investigate buying an elliptical x trainer.

What a moany day. And no G&T or wine on a weekday!

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