
By simisue


Today on DAILY CALM, I learned about the Welsh word, HIREATH.
It is not easily translated into English, but seems to mean a deep longing for somewhere you cannot return to, especially a place or time in the past.
It can be a nostalgia or deep longing for  "home.." 

This Welsh word describes exactly the wistfulness I feel on Labor Day.
This holiday honors those who have worked to build our country, & is intended to give them an extra day off.  On this LABOR DAY we have
thousands of firefighters battling all the wildfires in the West, & all
the first responders who are working day & night to save people from
COVID-19. There is no Labor Day for them.

LABOR DAY has always been a holiday for my family & I.  It is the last hurrah before Summer is gone.  There is a pause, before school starts, to
feel a deep longing for what has passed.  COVID-19 has intensified that feeling, because, it was a Summer like no other.  

Today I am sad that Summer is gone, but tomorrow I will be ready for
the cool, crisp pleasures of Autumn. 


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