Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Intrepid and Britannia

Passing the farm. I've made some progress on this, but a lot more work is needed, especially on weathering and landscaping.

I intended to use a photograph of this yesterday, but messed up the settings of the focus stack - the steps were too small, and the background was not in focus. It wasn't a very good day, as, apart from that, I was so breathless after taking the bins to the bottom of the drive for Monday's refuse collection, I had to sit down on the pavement for a while. A kind youngster stopped and asked if I was alright, and helped me to my feet and escorted me to the back door. 10 minute later he came back with his mother to make sure I was OK. There are some really  kind people, even though it's the less desirable people who usually make the news. 

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