twinned with trumpton


A leisurely start to the day; only one to get to school; Alex had an appointment with an insulin pump. That's 90 mins of my life I'm not getting back, but... It does look like it might be an option to go for and free him up a bit more.

After that I WFHH doing OT; until 4.30 whereupon we took wurselves oot to various emporia for food and liquid refreshments.

There was a ridiculous episode where the lass and her chum wanted (aged 15) to go out to a bar. It seems one of the peer group had managed to get into a well known chain of bars the previous week and thus the bar was raised. Initially the lass (who has spent the last 8 years making snidey barbed remarks to / about me) suggested that me 'n' Her go with them under the guise of eating in and then once inside, the lass and accomplice could order drinks via an app. I said hell would freeze over before I assisted in such a hair brained scheme, especially in light of the previous form; never mind the illegality of it. But on it went; the accomplice arrived, tottering in heels (heels she had only previously used for Instagram purposes - never actually worn as shoes!); a steady stream of pleading texts from one room to the other and eventually she capitulated. I stood my ground (as much as you can sitting on a sofa),  so off they went.

An hour later they returned; having been told to wait for a table, and then with it being around 9pm, the door staff insisted on ID - which obv they didn't have. So back they came; the accomplice fishing out vodka from her handbag as they went into plan B....! I'm so glad I have sons....

I headed home around 11; still shaking my head at it all.

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