
By GoProBlipper

Up the garden path

Woke up feeling somewhat uneasy. Probably didn’t help that I didn’t finish my bike ride until around 11:20 pm the previous night. I usually value my sleep more than that. Once showered, headed to work and a productive-ish day, despite being in a workshop with our new government regulator for almost 4 hours.

Post work needed to de-stress, so I decided to have a beer, not a regular thing for me, but it was enjoyable. After dinner started to walk up the train line, heading home, normally I’d walk for 75 minutes and cut three stations from my trip. Except for tonight, I started doing circles, quite literally walked around a couple of the local football ovals, for no reason, other than because I could. Eventually walked back to St Leonard’s station, the station closest to work. So net effect of my walk, nothing other than an enjoyable trip up a garden path, like this one.

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