Swimming buddies

Another trip to Windermere this afternoon with L and S this time too. It was just lovely. :)
It was torrential rain driving over but the sun came back out just as we arrived and just kept getting nicer. The sun was really warm to sit in while we had our picnic.
Driving back home was amazing! Unfortunately there was no place for me to stop and take a photo but .... the whole way ...
on the left the sky was dark, brooding and foreboding. From time to time the rain would streak down and would just be a band of rainbow. While on the right the sky was light blue with fluffy white clouds and a great golden ball of sun.
It was stunning and I got to enjoy it the whole drive home. :) It would have been great to have both skies in one photo. Unfortunately for you you can’t see the beautiful photo in my mind...but it’s crystal clear to me! ;)

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