Fistral Beach Babes

I didn't sleep too well last night as there was a constant beeping in the night. I thought it was a tap dripping but it was the smoke alarm!!!! I also had Bella in bed with me - for the 1st time ever!!! She's not allowed up stairs at home (and not really allowed here either but no one will ever know as shes not a moulter or a dirty dog!! ) and it felt so nice to cuddle up to her! Making the most of the 'cat being away' !!

After a chilled morning at home we walked into town and down to the beach. After July's traumatic experience for Bella where she got swiped by a stranger - we kept her on the long lead. She coped very well and seemed quite relaxed and secure on it. We had a takeaway breakfast from Seaspray sitting on the beach then headed back home for Crochet club in the sun!!!

I wanted to see the sunset so we walked back to the beach by which time a cloud bank had formed. Bella didn't cope too well this time - maybe the light was different so we walked back home again and I made us all a curry. Sam and Gabby joined us for the evening. It was so nice to just chill with my beautiful family.

Daughter Number 2 managed to remove the battery from the smoke alarm (with the home owners permission) so I will sleep better tonight!!!!

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