
Tonight's Pentland Fun Runners' outing was from Carlops, a little village tucked into a fold in the landscape to the east of the Pentlands [see extra]. The photo shows the organiser of the runs chasing hard downhill, and she was pleased when I sent it to her. Although I spent a lot of time not moving, that meant that I could run harder with the better runners between stops, making it a good training outing. And we had the pleasure of descending the Monk's Rig to Ninemileburn, before road running back to Carlops.

Earlier in the day I'd had a trip into Edinburgh to see И, following a meeting I'd had about the Chinese consultancy contract. Since it was a nice day, we discussed things whilst walking from her flat to the top of Arthur's Seat and back. I've not been up in a long time, and it was good to see the Pentlands from a different direction [see extra].

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