Complementary Colours

The weather was lovely this morning as l headed to the allotment for a quick pick of courgettes and raspberries and a little weeding, l could have easily spent longer there. I headed back for a U3A zoom meeting where they had Chris Upton speaking and showing photos from a trip to India. Such lovely photos and a good talk. Straight after lunch l headed out to collect the supermarket order as our daughter and family are arriving later today. There was just time to take a few photos of a blue object placed on a yellow mat for today’s Abstract Thursday with it’s theme of complementary colours.

Our daughter, husband and grandson arrived and we had an enjoyable evening. Our grandson has visibly grown in the past week and developed his trying to crawl technique. He has more strength and can lift his body fairly high and occasionally move his hands forwards when on all fours. Just got to get the coordination right.

Just looked out the window and saw the moon rising it’s such a lovely red colour. I seem to have seen it the past 3 nights despite it getting later each night. Time for bed now.

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