Cyclamen woods

A fairly warm but grey start to the day.  I had thought I would spend it on the allotment but instead spent some time this morning on a call to the service centre I bought the computer from.  After several software tests  to the conclusion was that the card reader port needs to be seen.  I hope they don't need it for too long.

This afternoon we received an invitation to meet up with friends for tea and cake in a local communal garden area.  It was well planned as there was a bench for us and they had bought two collapsible chairs.  Few people walked through this area and most delightful of all was the display of wild cyclamen that have recently come out in the nearby woodland area.  The smell as we wandered through was delightful.  It was good to have a catch up and see them.  I thought I would share this wide angled shot with the wide Wednesday challenge although there were no reflections involved.

Tonight was the camera club zoom meeting with peoples entries for the summer challenge.  I never got round to putting anything in.  I just couldn't find the time to think about it but on reflection when I saw the categories I realised I already had a good choice I could have used.  I think my domestic priorities are taking over at the moment. 

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