Disinfecting Market Stalls

An intense period of three hours editing the DiG part of the RPS website this morning. I directed Sue who has been acting web editor in uploading a new event. Success! My login credentials arrived this afternoon.

And this afternoon, into Loughborough for a cut and blow dry. Met Aziz afterwards who said I looked ten years younger. He really knows how to boost my self-esteem. 

Halim joined us while we were drinking free lattes from Subway (such a charmer that Mr Aziz). Neither he nor Aziz had heard of a place called Joujouka south of Tangier which Brian Jones used to visit because he loved the music. I'm determined to seek it out.

Just before we came away, this council workman came round with a disinfectant spray cleaning the stalls ready for tomorrow's market.

And I think I forgot to mention ArtyBollocks yesterday, which came up in the SheClicks coffee morning. It offers to generate an Artist Statement at the click of a button when you are so uninspired you don't know what to write. What a laugh! Here's an example:

"As shimmering phenomena become distorted through emergent and personal practice, the viewer is left with a clue to the edges of our world."

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