A Day In The Life

By Irish59

September 11, 2001

A date I will never forget. A day that shattered my view of the world. The unexpected and overwhelming violence; the fear and confusion of not understanding what was happening as it unfolded; so much death, missing people, buildings destroyed; the injuries and longterm illnesses; the bravery from all of those first responders and the courage of the survivors; our collective loss and grief grew to unity and strength...something we do not have today • Our weather today is much like it was that day too. Cool and sunny. Even after 19 years it’s embedded in my memory. As it is for most of us, I’m sure • So many pollinating bees were buzzing about this afternoon, dancing atop the bamboo flowers, over to the marigolds, then off to the backyard to visit cosmos, asters and tomato blossoms. Thankfully there’s still enough for everyone • Have a safe and joyful weekend!

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