Half a year of eating too well

Well, that's pretty much half a year since we were locked down. And boy has life changed. But some things continue to be good, and that includes what comes out of our kitchen. Today it was sweet potato, avocado and feta muffins, which didn't quite taste as nice as they looked, but equally tasted nicer than the comments on the recipe indicated. Don't ask me why Mr A, for his first foray into muffin making, chose to do something quite obscure. Perhaps next time we'll get some good old fashioned blueberry ones, although I am not sure that my waistline would appreciate too much muffin making.

Then he made pan fried sea bass with sweet potato chips for dinner, so that was pretty good.

Meanwhile, I didn't do anything improving like that, but I did do a fair bit of work of the "clearing up" sort, including a flashback to REF which was quite strange. I caught up on correspondence, sorted out some digital housekeeping, and finished some bits of peer review that were overdue. When the weather cleared up in the afternoon - albeit it was still breezy - I went out for a walk. For only the second time since lockdown (the first was when we were in Norfolk and I was walking with my sister), I managed more than 70k steps in a week. I set my goals low for lockdown, and I've always met my goals. But maybe I should ramp it up now. Just in time for the second lockdown...

At least we have plenty of toilet paper.

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