A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Pancake Day

There is no better way of celebrating the day of pancake than by gorging on those said battered lovelies! I thought I'd go for this close-up, in the bowl-action-shot whilst I was preparing the mix.

We had some dual pan cooking on the go, pouring & flipping simultanesouly - it was a cooking masterclass once again, even if we do say so ourselves! We opted for just one round of pancakes, with a cheddar & mozarella filling (with sweet chilli sauce for dipping), but to make up for our lackluster appetites, we have plans to do some of the fluffy, sweet, Amercian variety with lashings of syrup at the weekend. Double de-lish!

Jenny & I also embarked on our first bit of proper exercise for what seems like a while (or it does for me anyway, I've been quite tired & lethargic of late, Jen however has been very good with doing her workouts. Think it might be the weekend galavanting & the subsequent cold that I'm sure is coming on *sipps Lemsip) - we went for a 3mile run around the houses & although it was on the nippy side, it was good & we want to keep up the routine. This is probably not a completely coincidental & unrelated choice, as we have both signed up for the Great North Run in September. We're very much looking forward to it. I will be running & raising money for Marie Curie Cancer Care, & Jen will be running for a still yet to be decided Cancer charity. Training & fundraising begins in ernest.

I will leave with what has to be the highlight of my day. Whilst at work today I received an email from a Financial Advisor, whom I had been chatting to throughout the morning, & who is clearly new to the job. It simply said, 'You are wonderful individual and have a great day!!' (...he'll learn soon enough).

It's the little things.. like pancakes for instance.

Happy Pancake Day, you wonderful individual you!

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