
The camera club get together was fun. We met up at Cotswold Water Park. It was a lovely warm evening but unfortunately the sunset was not brilliant and there weren't that many lakeside vantage points. It was good to meet up with real people again though, it made a nice change from Zoom. There were over 12 of us and we tried to work in three groups but to be honest it didn't work well, I think we broke a few rules. The best bit came at the end when 6 of us had a drink in the outside bar. The chairman paid as well which was kind of him.

This was the only decent shot I got, and blip seems to let me post it today which makes me feel less guilty about posting the day after it was taken. Looks much sharper viewed large. I can't do Tiny Tuesday earrings today anyway as mrsfb has put them all out of the way while the bathroom fitter is here. It's all going OK, though he has had to pop out for some pipework which he didn't think he would need.

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