Breakfast at Tiffany's (Roses!)

I would have expected a more appropriate blip entry for today, Battle of Britain commemoration day but with everything being cancelled this year I'm not attending any events.
I'll give you Churchills words on the event instead.
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
The word 'Been' is included in the ' collections' so I would have thought it correct but everywhere else I checked it is not there. - full speech.

Now the blip.
Breakfast wasn't as bad as I expected. Hendrix and Buddy not turning up until nearly 0730 helped as it gave us a chance to sort the girls out after they woke up. All except Buddy can feed themselves, Buddy can but there's a lot of mess involved!
the rest of the morning was pretty chaotic but with some magical moments such as Hendrix and Harriet having a cuddle, and some lovely sharing of toys and playing together.
When the boys left at about 11:30 we spent most of the afternoon outside in the garden, swinging, playing with the sand-pit, and it's amazing how much fun a washing up bowl of water can give 20 month old children :-)


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