The Slippery Slope

What a grey day! 11° at 4pm with a nasty east wind which made me wish I had put on a scarf as I walked the Marches. Not that the students seemed think it was cold and my goodness the place is overrun with them. It’s so long since they were here I had quite forgotten how they monopolise the area. It is impossible to keep even a metre distance if I go out and about. I think that is possibly why the urbanites aren’t as afraid of the dangers of Covid as much as the suburbanites or country cousins. I guess if they were they would never go out at all.

It was the kind of depressingly day that brought forth the impulse to take the jar of chocolate spread out from the depths of a cupboard in which it has lain for probably 4 months or longer. I had known that as long as it remained in that cupboard and sealed there was little danger of it being eaten, but I fell at the first hurdle today. It is the Lidl look alike spread but I can’t tell the difference from Nutella and it about half the price. I wonder how long it will last?

It was also a day to have coffee with a friend of many years standing, yet another new widow struggling to come to terms with her recent loss and do all the nitty gritty admin stuff that takes over your life at a point where you just want to put your head under the duvet and forget. I hope I was a shoulder for her to lean on.

I walked into the bathroom this afternoon and found a long legged visitor sitting boldly in the middle of the floor forcing me to turn about and rush to find a tumbler and a stiff card. It must have thought It was safe because it stayed put and let me put the tumbler over it. It immediately drew its legs up and pretended to be half the size it actually was. I put it outside on the patio and the extra is a blip of it as it ran for cover with its legs uncurled. Fortunately I don’t mind spiders,......... but had it been a mouse, I would have had to spend the night in a hotel.

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