.....of spring and summer.
Thank you, Ingeborg for hosting the challenge.

A sunny day but hooley it was freezing on the golf course this morning.
Great news tonight.....both Rhonda and Ali won their games.  
The upshot is that they now play each other for the honour of being Club Champion.  Tuesday is the next fight and this time over thirty-six holes.  I'm pleased it's not me.  Phew.

More extras from Roebuck Bay:
1.  Another view from the helicopter - love those colours;
2.  Another sunset with MrD and those wonderful colours, The Mini Bungles are up there.  You will know that if you saw last week's pics:
3.  Mrs Osprey.  She didn't flinch and we saw her almost every night;
4.  Early morning in the sand dunes;
5.  This little shell appeared one morning as the tide receded.  It just stood out in the morning sun.  I didn't touch it and I left it there for the tide to engulf it;
6.  I think this osprey is a young one and he was quite flighty and easily disturbed.  Lucky enough to catch him one morning lifting off;
7.  A sea snake covered in sand.  Not his usual habitat and he knew it.   The consensus was that he was dropped by one of the big birds.  One of the guys at Eco Beach had a special snake tool and delivered him into the ocean where he slid away quite easily.  He had beautiful patterns on his body but not seen in this pic.
That's all from Roebuck Bay.
A little history of the bay - it's named after HMS Roebuck, the ship captained by William Dampier when he explored the coast of north western Australia in 1699.  

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