Backwards and Forwards to Bury St Edmunds...

...and I'm very pleased the forecast extra snow didn't arrive!

Had to take my car for it's MOT so I booked it's service too and a courtesy car expecting it would take several hours.

I was told it was booked in the first MOT slot and then the service straight after so would be ready to collect before lunch. I suggested it would be better vice versa so they'd know if anything was wrong *before* the MOT but no, they were sure it was fine so I decided to pop into town and finish shopping for my mum and niece's birthdays and treated myself to a Costa coffee (with only one coughing fit and a hot flush - I'm definitely getting better!)

Also had a wander in Abbey Gardens and only today noticed the aviary there! Took a few photos which I'll put on the blog tomorrow as today of course is Woof Wednesday :)

The garage rang and said the car had failed! Something to do with the exhaust; I just OK'd the repair and resisted the urge to say I told you so!

I came home to Stella but then had to go back out to swap the cars over late afternoon. The bill was nowhere near as horrific as I was expecting though so I didn't get cross.

May have done the wrong thing giving Stella her dinner before I went though. I don't know if it was too cold out of the fridge or if she got stressed that I left her for the second time but as soon as I let her out this evening she was very sick again. I don't think she feels poorly though as she's made a sterling job of eating it all up again off the grass. Why are dogs so disgusting?!

Lent news: chicken for lunch, fish for tea :)

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