Day 176 - Zoooooooooooomed

I spent about 8 hrs on Zoom today!
Business banter at 9 am at 10 am

Then a new client at 11:30 .....
This call was technically troublesome and it was going on forever - it was good though - loads of future opportunities!!!
We finished at 2:30 pm ... after realising that we were basically neighbours!! maybe 200 yards apart!!!
We could have just had a coffee in the sun instead .... 

I had 45 minutes before the next call and rushed out to enjoy at least a little bit of sun ... 
Could not resist Sara's Neapolitanen cake. It was delish!
Back home another call with Jacky - we stopped just before 6pm!!!

Manage to do my linkedIn stuff but gave up with other work and had some wine.

Neil was making dinner ... then we chilled on the couch ....

Blipping this amazing cake.

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