New chooks

Mike went out and got 3 new chooks to keep Beryl company yesterday. One of them is really nervous and hides from everyone. These two are full of themselves. Still need to find names as their personalities evolve!

I was at the yard first thing but got delayed because as I was taking the hay up to the field passed the school I realised there was a loose horse and poor Sue had come off. She was just lying in a heap in the corner. I thought she was unconscious to begin with but she was able to talk to me and said that she was just winded. After a while she managed to sit up and has since been to the drop in centre and is just badly bruised and scraped her arm on the wall which looked really sore. Poor Sue.

I helped sort her out then put Winston back in the field but by the time I got home it was pretty much time to go back out again for the kids lesson, quickly followed by my lesson. Kids did well.

In my lesson we worked on aids - making sure he's listening and not letting him just ignore me. This involved waving the schooling whip about in the air alternate sides, whacking my boot with it etc. I've got to the point where I have been doing more work than he does in the school and I come out feeling exhausted and deflated. I still felt a bit deflated today because we've still not got it but not exhausted and we did get him active without me doing all the work. Always so much to work on and it just feels like I'm not getting anywhere and not improving as much as we should and I know that's down to me.

Mike helped with the yard jobs whilst I had my lesson then he went out on his bike and I did dog walks and dinner. Team work!!

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