Mono Monday - Old and New

We have family over today for a socially distanced barbecue, and I don't think I should refer to any of them as old (or indeed new). However, we recently were gifted this old wrought iron pagoda which is probably around sixty years old (ie still quite young, ahem) but perhaps works as old, and certainly new to us.

It stood for those sixty years in the back garden of a house not far away, and we had always admired it. The owner died and the new owners of the house kept it although I don't think they ever really used it. Now they're selling and the new buyers don't want it. Janet thinks it's karmic thanks for the tree work the other day.

It's very heavy,. as you can imagine, and we have to think carefully as to its final home - but let's face it, it's probably in its final home already. We have already spent a couple of nights sat in it, under the stars with a glass of loveliness, watching the satellites spin across the sky.

Ridiculously, it is the autumn equinox (spring if you're down south). It doesn't feel like the year has really started yet and we're racing toward Samhain, Yule and Brexit! It is hard to find balance, within and without, in the ongoing pandemic and political chaos. I'm starting to hear more about the young letting us shield while they get on with life.

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