
By AFoolOnTheHill

We Didn't Start The Fire

I had a meeting in the city today at the Glasgow Central Hotel. Outside the entrance stands "Citizen Firefighter" erected in June 2001 as a tribute to firefighters past and present who served in Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.

Less than 3 months after the statue was unveiled, Citizen Firefighter was the focal point for Glaswegians after the terrible events of September 11th in New York, many flowers and tributes adorned the statue. In October 2001 the Scottish Fire Brigades held a ceremony of commemoration at Citizen Firefighter for the 343 members of the global family of the fire service that lost their lives in the pursuit to save others.

My album of the day is "Breakfast In America" by Supertramp. Bought the album for all the wrong reasons, went to New York with a friend, stayed in Manhattan (see cover), liked the title track (see lyrics) and I was in love with someone that wasn't my current girlfriend. What do they say about music and "moments in your life", don't even like the album now.

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