Slug Robbers!

10°C  -  15 mph NW Wind Speed  -  20 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  For the past week I have noticed lots of slug slime around my bird feed tray, but couldn’t find any slugs.  The little birds have been staying away and only the Pigeons and Jackdaws were coming to feed. Obviously some action had to be taken. Googled ‘slugs’ and was informed that if you wanted to capture the beasts you had to go out into the garden in the dead of night with a torch.  At 1 o’clock this morning I did just that  -  here is the result.  Needless to say, after blipping them I threw them into the farmer’s field  -  too far away for them to return I hope  Some years ago when I’d caught a mouse I read that if you wanted to make sure they didn’t return you had release them at least five miles away.  It worked for the mouse  -  of course, the farmer’s field at the bottom of my garden isn’t five miles away but I’m hoping the shorter distance works for slugs.

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