The Pines

I ordered a new camera and it was delivered promptly. Unfortunately all the paperwork was right but the type of camera was completely wrong. However, just as promptly they collected the wrong one and an hour later the correct one was delivered. It's a camera I've fancied for a while but I wasn't sure how well I'd get on with it. It's a Fuji X100f (not the latest model) and rather than a second hand one I bought a refurbished one from Fuji. It has a fixed 23mm lens which translates to a 35mm equivalent. It does have a digital teleconverter to step up to 50mm and 70mm. It's not the same as a digital zoom which we all sniff at. It does some sensor wiggling to keep the same quality (almost) as the normal image. 

We've had a lot of rain today but it cleared up this afternoon. I visited a variety of locations and found some nice light up at the pines on Little Haldon. 

With all the setting up and thinking about the camera I completely forgot that the theme for Wide Wednesday (hosted by steveng this week) was 'Built Environment' so I'm completely off theme this week.

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