Bute Hoose

Search me, guv. Maybe because the rest of my snaps were just a bit washed out. I'd been down to that boat, having got a bit of momentum on the boaty jobs thing. Unfortunately, having connected the GPS to the DSC radio, the radio simply said, 'no GPS information'. WTF not??? No clues. Perhaps a hammer would sort the pair of the fekkers.
So, here's the FM's gaff. I was on my way around the town, via tea houses to beer houses, and then a brief movie. Hyde Park on Hudson. Well, I never. FDR? Bill Clinton was pilloried for so much less. And I kept thinking, who is that Queen Elizabeth wumman (the Queen mum)? It was her from the Peep Show - Sophie!!!
After that, there was the usual port of call. And who was there but JS. So we talked some. And not all of it was sh!te. I think.

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