
Six months since the first day of the lockdown, and the government is talking about the recently announced measures lasting for six months. And people meeting in groups of no more than six.

Someone has a thing about the number six.

Time to record photographically one of the mundanities of 2020 life.

A big worry six months ago was how we were going to source food, in a shielding situation. It was sorted (after a lot of effort), so that we now have a weekly delivery. Each morning on the appointed day I get a text telling me that X will arrive in (pick a vegetable, today it’s an onion), van registration Y. All very efficient.

Amazingly, we haven’t been inside a shop since March, we have moved totally online. I wish it was not so - I want to see high streets and shops survive this. But for us at present the safety angle is paramount, and some risks we are just not taking when we can avoid doing so.

The shadows on the van are cast by our Japanese maple.

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