Northern Star

By Lifferz

Stopping Out

Detail of a cactus

Busy day

This evening I stayed over in Bristol which was a refreshing mental break from being at home. Lots of cocktails were mixed and drunk. I didn’t have too many so felt refreshed in the morning which was a big plus.

I drank blue bols (well equivalent) with Prosecco which is fine if you don’t have too much of the blue bols as it is rather sweet. It reminded me of drinks I had when I was about 18. I am fascinated how much my tolerance of sweet drinks has diminished hugely as I have gotten older. I had an ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ which was unfussy vodka and Cranberry juice (lovely and dry) with some fizz - that was rather nice.

I had the first Malibu and coke I’ve drunk for about a decade- that was rather sweet but saved by a huge block of ice which took the edge off the syrupy taste and made it a rather pleasant, lovely smelling drink which again made me think back to my youth, and visiting nightclubs in a Preston!

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