Red Oat Grass... least, that's what I THINK it is, but I may be wrong. When the prairie areas are reintroduced, like they did in the Emerald Preserve where I take my walks when Tom's at the clinic, they seed with lots of different decorative grasses. This is one of the stems I picked last week and brought home for when I needed a blip. I loved it's shape and all the little tendrils coming off of it. It's cloudy today, but a nice 72 degrees, and according to the weather people, our last "warmer" day for at least the next week or so, so I need to tidy up the yard before it gets cold. I've been slowly working my way through the house washing floors and windows, and I've got a painter coming on Monday to look at our spare bedroom and give me a quote to paint it. I'm slowly shortening my "to do" list. :))

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