Photo Opportunity

Quarantine Day 3

We've worked hard today - I've done another two wash loads and we made a start on the garage. 

The first priority was to make space as the garage was pretty full!   So we put the seats down in Bertie, and stored all the 'camping' stuff there.  We've made a big pile of stuff to go to the tip when we're out of quarantine and then started to re-organise the garage.  We worked until about 6pm and will carry on tomorrow, but it's been quite therapeutic and has distracted us from the fact that we can't go out.

While I was in the garden I heard a helicopter heading towards us, so I ran inside to get my camera and captured the Coastguard  as it flew over - Blip in the bag!

We're both feeling tired tonight, but a nice tired if you know what I mean?  Alan's got a beer and I've got a glass of rose, and I think an early night might be in store!

Hope you're all having a good weekend.

Three down and eleven to go!

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