A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Wyle Cop

A lovely blue sky day, less chill than the last few as I think the wind has dropped a bit.
After our morning Zoom church service, we grabbed a sandwich and set off SW via Shropshire, and arrived in Shrewsbury at about 3.00 pm. Over the years we have enjoyed exploring different parts of this county and are never disappointed. Almost exactly a year ago we stayed at Bridgenorth on the same journey.
Both towns are on the River Severn, Bridgnorth is the home of the Severn Railway and Shrewsbury is enclosed by a loop of the river. Both have lots to offer.
Shrewsbury has a super railway station similar to Bristol’s Temple Meads; a splendid town hall with a statue of it’s famous son, Charles Darwin; an Abbey with a memorial tribute to WW1 poet and hero Wilfred Owen who though not born here lived here for most of his childhood and youth.
Splendid everywhere are the lovely timber framed houses. The blip us of the Wyle Cop, the old main street through the town. We walked down and had a coffee in the Cafe on the Cop.
The cones are social distancing measures to allow people to walk in the street and the traffic has been made one way. Similar measures were seen In Monmouth a couple of weeks ago and we’re causing havoc! We did actually pass through a bit of Wales on the way here which I wasn’t expecting.
Auntie P told us we could see Percy Thrower’s garden here. (Thank you Auntie P) we struggled a bit to find it and are still not sure if we did. There is a lovely walk by the river which we did in late afternoon sun, and we found a fenced/ hedged sunken garden which looked to fit the bill but it had been locked at 4.00 pm. It did look very nice through the railings! Something to return for. We certainly enjoyed our walk around and no coat needed, a bonus after the last few days.

All day I’ve been getting pings on my phone of pictures of Eda and her celebrations. She got a dressing up box from Mummy and Daddy full of things to dress up in! A mermaid, Elsa, a spotty 101 Dalmatian among others as well of some of the things she already had. She was loving it and singing too on the videos I got, as well as getting into the actual box.

You are spared those as they haven’t downloaded onto my iPad yet! Jude seemed to be just sleeping through it all. Good for her to get used to the mayhem. Looking forward to joining in tomorrow.

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