
By WeeL

Nelson Mandela Place, Glasgow

I was out at a meeting today at an office on the 9th floor of a building in George Square. What a view I had and I was desperate to whip my camera out and take a photo. Two problems - (1) I only had a telephoto lens with me and (2) I didn't really know the person I was meeting and didn't want to whip my camera out in case he thought I was a bit nuts.

On the way back to the office I was really beating myself up thinking I should have just said to him and taken a photo even if it was with my telephoto. As I was making my way up West George Street with only a few minutes to go before I was back at my desk, I looked back down the street and though - Nelson Mandella Place looks ok and will have to do.

So I nipped out into the middle of the road and took this. Not the best and not as good as I could have had today but it will do.

Glasgow signalled support for the campaign to free Nelson Mandela in 1986 by renaming St George's Place in the city centre - Nelson Mandela Place.

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