
By WeeL


I sometimes get asked by my boss to take the staff photos for our company website. I've not wanted to do all of them as I don't think I'm good enough but if someone new starts I will take their photo to save getting a photographer in to do one picture.

Angus started a couple of months ago but I've been too busy to take his picture. Finally managed today! It's the first time I've seen him with no stubble and he got his hair cut for the occasion. I took various shots but I like this one best as it's the only one where he has a natural smile. This one probably won't make the website though as all the other pictures of my colleagues are v. serious :( In fact mine looks quite scary - arms crossed, against boardroom table with my "don't mess with me face"!

Angus is very tall so I thought I would sit him down in our boardroom. I took various shots of him but due to various things on our boardroom walls I ended up having to get on top of our boardroom table and sit in the middle of it to take this!

One of my colleagues walked by and said "when the photographer was taking my photo he didn't get on the boardroom table"!

So after trying not to appear nuts yesterday (in the name of a blip), I think I looked a bit nuts today - to my knowledge I'm the first person to get on top of our boardroom table ;-)

Have a great weekend everyone :)

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