Tales from the riverbank.

We were up early this morning, and the bedding was in the washing machine before we had breakfast. The reason for the early start was my hairdresser was due . I love having my hair done, it's so relaxing. After she left we had lunch, and then J dropped me  at the library to pick up a new book I ordered last week.  I then walked into town, and as I had drunk a strong coffee before I left, the need to wee became very urgent. I went into Wetherspoons, and the young lady asked me for my name. I was a bit embarrassed to admit I only wanted a wee, but she said that wasn't a problem, but I still had to give my name & telephone number. When J met me, I told him that was the first track & trace wee I have ever had, though I doubt it will be my last.  

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