
By MerlotsDad

Blood Pressure Monitor

I've had a headache for 3 days and someone suggested that I should check my BP.. As it happened it was completely normal. C has been struggling with high blood pressure for a few days and it's likely it contributed to the 2nd bleed.
Today however she has really picked up and her BP is back to near normal. So much so that the hospital is talking about returning her to Amersham to continue her Rehab in the very near really is a miraculous recovery.

So today I've been vacuuming and washing and cleaning the kitchen again..

N visited C and I had a quick facetime with her whilst N was there.

Thank you so much for all the hearts lovely comments and stars for yesterdays picture of C.
It's a picture I never expected to see a few days ago..

A wet day.

Thanks for calling in and for all your hopes and prayers. We appreciate it very much xxxx

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