
By strawhouse


It’s Mr K’s birthday today!
The day got off to an early start as I woke up at 4.04am (whoop whoop!!) and couldn’t get back to sleep. I tried Audible (still Steve Jobs biography. It’s 1984 and they’re just about to release the Macintosh), When the sleep timer went off after half an hour I knew that wasn’t working so I tried Desert Island Discs (someone I’d never heard of) Then I remembered I’d asked Mr K to hang up Miss L’s PE kit from the washing machine and has a feeling he hadn't so went down to check. He hadn’t. So I did that just after 5am. Then - stupidly I played Wordscapes thinking it might tire me out (level 1902 so far) and eventually nodded off at about 6.30. Just ten minutes before Miss L texted to say when could we sing Happy Birthday to Daddy and give him his presents. Nice.
It was a lovely morning!! Even though she didn’t have to go into school today (scheduled deep clean) Miss E got up too and we took Mr K a bacon sandwich and tea, his cards and lots and lots of biscuits and chocolate, his favourite bread (cranberry, cashew and raisin. Amazing!!!) a packet of pens because he gets cross that’s they all disappear, some liquorice (because the rest of us think it’s the Devil’s food and don’t steal it!), wine gums and, from me, a little carved hare.
He’s tough to buy for for the Little Misses but they do like choosing all the treats for him.
I finished tidying the dining room before lunch and sent Mrs L a triumphant “after” picture. Who knew it was so motivating to have to send someone pictures!!
Mr K and I went down to Esquires at lunchtime for a quick latte and cappuccino, then to Subways on the way home for our usual footling BMT on hearty Italian, yes toasted with cheese, everything on one half, everything but jalapeños on the other, mayonnaise. We’ve got the ordering down now!!!
I took Archie out for a quick walk before heading to get Miss L. Big mistake! The heavens opened and I got soaked to the skin.
Dinner was curry and rice (Mr K’s choice) followed by the finest apple pie and custard Tesco’s had to offer. Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Strike and Big Bang before bed.
Happy Birthday Mr K. We love you x

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