Northern Star

By Lifferz

Hey cutie

Pale Tussock Moth Caterpillar

They grow to 4.5cm and can be found in Southern England. It was so bright and beautiful that it broke my concentration as I was typing a report this afternoon. I suddenly noticed something was moving along the veranda rail.

The hairy bits on it can cause a reaction and a nasty rash. It’s got a cute eye-catching red feathery tail. When I saw it exploring a fence post it almost looked like it had a grey fluffy face!

Lovely yoga session tonight which was hard work and very twisty as we were doing ‘rotations’. I needed a lot of additional instructions tonight as I couldn’t keep up with everything I was being told (oh dear).

An interesting morning in Cheltenham and much better weather than anticipated.

An afternoon of people trying to get hold of me to ask loads of questions. Felt super busy!

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