Frosty start

The frosty start didn't manage to kill off the blooms! There aren't many patches of colour in the garden this year. It's our first summer here and the garden, which is essentially a field, never been cultivated by the previous owners, is large and on a steep slope! I've experimented with vegetables, many unsuccessful, mostly with my inexperience of northern growing conditions, plants competing with huge weeds, the nettles getting me at every opportunity,  50mph winds, exposure at 1400 feet up and no real long periods of sunshine! Also despite fencing off areas all sorts of critters have attacked my hard work! I do love the garden, and being outside so next year, I've decided to grow lots more flowers, which make me smile and much less physical work than vegetables, which is becoming more difficult with arthritic hands! Besides the flowers attract the bees and other insects and so I'll feel I'm playing my part in nature. I'll buy most of my veg from the local organic suppliers and let them do the hard work!
Most of the day I spent assembling Luna Rabbit but I'm not happy with the buttons I had for attaching the arms so I will be dissembling that part and hopefully completing one whole body tomorrow, assuming I have some more suitable buttons in my stash. I'm quite pleased with my first attempt and think the following 3 should now be easier. I'm looking forward to making the outfits too. 
The evening has been spent knitting, more hand warmers for a friend and her grown up daughter. This same friend has also asked me to knit hats for her other daughter and partner, and a matinee jacket for another friend's granddaughter! That will keep my hands exercised and me busy for a few weeks.

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