German Unity Day

30-years ago to the day since the country of my birth, West Germany, and neighbouring East Germany, were entirely peacefully reunified --- the precursor, single German State having been split in two for the previous 45-years ...

... personally, I've always thought the huge, and positive, historical significance of the 3rd October 1990 has been somewhat overlooked here in the UK.

Anyhow; here are some lines, after one of Germany's most famous poets/writers, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:

All is reflected

All life before us
Was but reflected
All that was lost in us
Here is corrected.

All indescribables
To us now show
The truth of the one
Here we shall know.

And here we join
The stream, the way
And here we await
The inevitable day.

The day of union
When I cease
And where we meet
In the ultimate release.


after the Chorus Mysticus of Faust's Assumption
J. W, Goethe (1749 - 1832)


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