The Village Kirk

Since I have been Blipping I have received a surprisingly large number of requests asking for a pic of the village Kirk.  They have all come from the same person.  Hopefully they'll  now be able to get down better at night.

Another wet day.  The old manse floats not far away, the top of the Nurse's Cottage and a polycrub add scintillating detail.

I can find 21 different online weather forecast services for Orkney, many of them are from eastern side of the North Sea.   There is no doubt partying in the offices of .No today which managed get it right today.  There is also much partying, throughout the year, from other forecasters.  No matter how inaccurate and inept, they always receive their pay cheques for churning out pap.  Bring back Arthur Pottinger.

As Sun Ra used to say '....and we'll be home in time for a fish supper'.

Don't miss Lulu Macduff on TV tonight.

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